Thursday, 10 November 2011


Please fill out the form below and we 

will send you a sample


 click here

free wipe sample

Sample Request Form
1. You will appreciate that we get asked for lots of samples. In order to make the sending of samples equitable, we ask you to please be sensibleregarding the number of samples you request.
2. If you DO require a large variety of samples, please email us, explaining who you are, and which samples you require.
3. Overseas customers are requested to make sample requests by email, outlining your requirements. Please appreciate that whilst it is possible to trade our products outside the UK, each instance is evaluated individually.
4. If you select too many items, we may only be able to send you the first few of your list. This sample request form is intended for bone-fide customers only. We supply Business-to-Business only.

Free Artificial Grass Sample Pack

If you wish to receive our FREE sample pack or have any 

questions please contact us using the form or call 0845 257 


 click here
Artificial Grass | send for a free sample today

The Silk Shirt Company- free samples

offer shared by kany baj aaj ,  thank you very much

Please complete the request form below

to order up to SIX small samples free of charge. 

Approx. 7 day delivery depending on territory

click here 

FREE copy of SpeedMart

Offer shared by Vishwas Raj, thank you very much

Request your FREE copy of SpeedMart today and get ready for the most exciting presentation of R/C car and truck products you've ever seen--all at incredible savings! Please note: You must be 13 years of age or older to request a SpeedMart sales flyer.

Click here to request

Tip:Avoid special character while fill up form

Free Shine Salvation Bracelet

Offer shared by vishal deep, thank you very much

About Bracelet:-
The glow in the dark bead is of particular interest to the kids, and makes this Christian bracelet a keepsake. Youth are using the bracelets on Christian mission trips and evangelization efforts worldwide.

How to get:-

  1. Visit here
  2. Click get this freebie
  3. Click checkout
  4. Enter email click checkout
  5. Fill up details & click proceed to confirmation
  6. Click submit order

FREE Sincere Escrow Calendar

Offer shared by dhruv kaushal, thank you very much

limit one per household

Since then Sincere Escrow has published limited editions of Margaret's incredible paintings which we are offering to the public for free as long as supplies are available

How to get:-

If you are interested in receiving the calendar, simply write your full details to

Click here to go source page